What do you guys think, them both in total probly took less than 5 minutes because im lazy C:
Lately ive been doing a lot of flash and I can probly thank that for my tablet that Newgrounds sent me.
But anyways, Ive got a ton of flash ideas I want to do and after this one that im working on now, id like to know if anyone sees this news post, which idea would be the coolest:
1: Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds Music Video
2. Mitch Hedberg segments
3. Pico Day flash ( movie about p-bot)
4. St Patricks day flash
5. Short "scary" flash
I know theres more but i just cant think of it.
Also here is a zombie for the movie that im doing now( and yeah i know the whole Zombie thing is cliche, but once i liked how this part of the flash came out I wanted to do more). So when its out im hoping it gets some publicity or at least about 3.50 for score.